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Job Lot - ***COMPLETE***


May 6, 2014
Clearing a few things that helped me on my journey ImageUploadedByTapatalk1422030419.144755.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1422030437.247839.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1422030450.780263.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1422030464.830251.jpg

Picked most of this up in trades and stuff along the way so not too sure on rrps

Kato Hammer clone, boxed with a battery and extension tubes. Nice little thing this and very heavy.
Rrp - unsure but around £25-30?

Nemesis clone, I have replaced the switch spring with magnets. Decent little first mech.
Rrp - unsure but around £20 ish?

KFL+ clone, with clear and metal tank sections and drip tip. Good intro to rba's.
Rrp - again unsure but around £20?

Plume Veil clone, in box with some spares and stuff I think. I just can't get on with this one.
Rrp - guess what, unsure but seen them for anything around £10-20?

Looking for £45 gifted or add fees, posted recorded (will probably be quite heavy due to the beast that is the Hammer) let me know if I'm well off with price. Not looking to split or trade.

NOW £40

£35 if sold tonight!

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Right, if this lot goes tonight it can go for £35 posted (gift or add fees) now that's gotta be cheap!
shocked these haven't gone at that silly price ? i have all these in my kit but someone is going to get a bargain. gl fella
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