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Bah, I'm frustrated a bit. Years back I bought a bag of Muji pads for $5 on amazon, after 4 years of vaping I still had 2/3 of them left. super value for money considering vape shops used to sell 5 pads for 5 euros. Big Muji lover, I loved the Scottish roll method and could always calculate exactly how much cotton I needed.
The pity is my wife took them for...face treatment once I stopped vaping and stored them with her perfumes, the pads absorbed the perfumes' smell and are totally unusable for vaping.
I had a pouch of rayon I'd saved for some reason and was using that, until now I got a bag of what I thought is the closest thing to my beloved Muji: Kendo. The thing is annoying! Very hard to measure properly, very muted flavour for at least 10 puffs.
I have not used straight 100% cotton for a long time. Always go with Fibre & Cotton. The wick lasts along time, more than just Cotton by along way!.
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