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juice storage help?


Oct 28, 2013
hi there ive only been vaping for a couple of weeks and already have quite a collection of juice and my misses is already on my case about all the stuff cluttering the place. So i have a nice little steeping corner but have no where to store once ready, does anybody know of anywhere that i could buy a half decent looking storage case/box. would love some help peeps had a look online couldnt really find anything
Depends on what you want? Something to fit your decor? Check on Ebay... or an aluminum case? I have 2 of those :)
Go to Tesco, buy a nice bottle of wine that comes in a wooden box - drink the wine and you've got a storage box for free !!

They fit most bottles up to about 50ml in size as well.

I use the ones with the hinges on the back - perfect.
Depends on what you want? Something to fit your decor? Check on Ebay... or an aluminum case? I have 2 of those :)
not too fussed to be honest was hoping there might of been a purpose built case of some sort? (if not maybe im on to something)
Go to Tesco, buy a nice bottle of wine that comes in a wooden box - drink the wine and you've got a storage box for free !!

They fit most bottles up to about 50ml in size as well.

I use the ones with the hinges on the back - perfect.
haha win,win! unfortunatly i dont drink wine and i doubt an empty case of lager would quite have the same effect
Plan ahead KV. As you said, you've only just started and you may well be on the brink of vaping tsunami. It's surprising just how vaping stores accumulate.

Plan ahead KV. As you said, you've only just started and you may well be on the brink of vaping tsunami. It's surprising just how vaping stores accumulate.

tell me about it, im like a kid in a sweet shop the way ive started im gonna need to rent a small garage ha. might look into that little bag on the pic u know, shame nail varnish bags tend to be a touch femine
I got this from Amazon but I now need a second one as this became full in no time.

Type the word 'storage' into the searchbox up top KV and don't listen to that brummie/Welsh mongrel, he'll lead you astray. What kind of a self respecting man drinks wine. Bet he curls his little pinky when he's having a cuppa.
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