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Juice that taints your bottle

The only juice I have had issues with clinging smells is dripworx brain freeze.

2x my normal boiling water and washing up liquid soaks then Milton tablet in a heavy solution, and this was glass and stainless.
Red Astaires a bastard, when I went through a weird faze of enjoying it...

I mixed a Glass Skull decanter full of it, around 500-600mls, I threw the lot away. I had to boil that thing repeatedly
I made the mistake of using menthol an heisenberg in my dripbox 160, still trying to get rid of the damn stench!
Get a hobby, try squonking, have fun with bottles ...

2017-02-06 squonkbottle01.jpg

2017-02-06 squonkbottle02.jpg

and that's just from one box, a few other boxes to go through ...
I made the mistake of using menthol an heisenberg in my dripbox 160, still trying to get rid of the damn stench!
My mate sent me a Dripbox the other day that he didn't get on with, he'd only run a small drop of menthol through it, can I get rid of the taste? Can I buggery! That's why I never use menthol, koolada, anise etc in my mods, can ruin them.
Menthol is hard to get rid of, i am using heisenberg in my dripbox as we speak but its really Nice in the dripbox. I have a vanilla cheesecake in my baby beast but the batteries for my alien are charging and as i still dont have spare thought id use my dripbox. It hasnt been used Alot :)
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