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Just checking


Mar 5, 2014
If my nic is in VG at 7.2% then to get 50/50 I am adding (roughly) same amount of pg as I have nic base plus extra vg? For example (without flavouring) 10ml at 18mg would be 2.5ml nic in vg plus 2.5ml vg plus 5ml pg?

I think I made a miscalculation on my last batch and mixing calculators are doing my head in as I think I'm over complicating things...
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If my nic is in VG at 7.2% then to get 50/50 I am adding (roughly) same amount of pg as I have nic base plus extra vg? For example (without flavouring) 10ml at 18mg would be 2.5ml nic in vg plus 2.5ml vg plus 5ml pg?

I think I made a miscalculation on my last batch and mixing calculators are doing my head in as I think I'm over complicating things...

That is correct :) if you are using base at 72 mg

You need 2.5ml base
2.5 ml VG and 5 ml PG to get 18 mg 10ml 50/50 without flavour
KulrMeStoopid thanks, I thought I was going mad and tying myself in knots making it more difficult than it was as my mistake on my last batch seemed logical but I ended up too heavy on the vg
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