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Just got my Innokin itaste MVP

My 15 year old is a fiddler. He likes to know how everything works and is always taking stuff apart (he was always like this is a toddler) and he has just lost me almost a full tank of juice by dumping it out all over his hands. He was holding the iclear tank upside down and unscrewing it from the top. It must have caused a break in suction because it then poured out of the tip. Washed his hands off in sink immediately. Grr. Kids! He has already offered to rewick and recoil for me.

Eek indeed. He's far too interested in my kit. He broke my laptop a couple of months back by taking it apart to remove the hard drive. Couldn't get it back in afterwards. Apparently it's a 'solid' state' hard drive - not meant to be taken out.
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