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Just got my Innokin itaste MVP

You guys are making me jealous, i've been out of juice for almost 3 days, its torture, I should have like 3 juices coming eventually, but right now I am vaping on a burnt out strawberry in a almost dry cartomizer, what has my life become, lol.

Also please dont tell me I will be the only one stocking up on heads for the iclear
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Did you get your juice today, Nothing?

Nope, mail came, no juice. Stuff from jvapes is supposed to come tomorrow, but something I ordered like a week ago (7 days) hasn't come yet, Im hoping it shows up soon, Im still vaping this burnt strawberry/yellow submarine stuff and it is killin me.
Geez, sounds bad :( Do you have a shop around that you could get some juice from while you wait? I have Yellow Submarine in my 'wish list'. What does it taste like?
Just ordered mine from fasttech, hoping it comes by like the 20th, it is supposed to be shipped out the 11th
You do realise from Fasttech you'll get the V2 MVP not the V1 don't you? Even more of a bargain.
You do realise from Fasttech you'll get the V2 MVP not the V1 don't you? Even more of a bargain.

Yea, I've just heard their shipping is pretty dodgy, hoping it comes in like 10 days, it says it was just shipped so maybe it will be here even sooner. Im in no rush to get it here fast, for such a low price, I don't mind if the shipping takes a while.

@Midnight I think I reviewed it but the jist of the review is that it is a potent mango flavor on the inhale, and a pineapplish flavor on the exhale, its really really delicious, mango is the main flavor though, but it is very very tropical tasting, and one of my favorites.. You should buy some, to at least try it out, its really amazing tasting.
I ordered from Fasttech last Monday and it's already landed in the UK,just waiting on Royal Mail to deliver now. The longest I've waited from them is 2 weeks,which isn't that bad to be honest.
I ordered from Fasttech last Monday and it's already landed in the UK,just waiting on Royal Mail to deliver now. The longest I've waited from them is 2 weeks,which isn't that bad to be honest.

2 Weeks actually sounds quite good, I think I ordered yesterday and they already said they shipped it out, predicted time for it to ship out was the 11th, so its a huge jump.. Im hoping it comes within a week or two, but I can wait

Midnight Furry Wall is also quite similar to yellow submarine, I think I actually like it a bit more, very similar tastes, but Furry Wall is less potent/aromatic, much lighter
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@Midnight I think I reviewed it but the jist of the review is that it is a potent mango flavor on the inhale, and a pineapplish flavor on the exhale, its really really delicious, mango is the main flavor though, but it is very very tropical tasting, and one of my favorites.. You should buy some, to at least try it out, its really amazing tasting.

Sounds a little like Nuclear Plusion, which I love! I was also looking at a mango flavour juice too because I love mango. I shall definitely give it a go now :)
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