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Kanger ceramic coils: how low can you go?


Jun 3, 2016
I use a Kanger Toptank Mini, and I've been really happy with it for the last few months, using solely NI200 coils in TC mode. I did try the Claptons that came with it, but as they only lasted for a day I decided not to bother with them again.

Recently my local got some of the ceramic coils in, so I thought I'd give them a go. They're great. Clean, full flavour and good cloud. But boy, do they get hot fast. Pulling twice in a row is a total no-no, as the tip gets too hot for my sensitive lips (yes I know how that sounds, thanks....) It's also a hot vape, and some of the flavours I like (Manabush Nokomis in particular) I find better when cool.

I'm using them at the lowest wattage, 35 (on the packet it stipulates 35 - 60). Can't even imagine what would happen if I went up beyond 35, and 60 sounds ridiculous.

My questions are: does anyone else have the same impression of these coils? Any solutions? Most importantly, would it be safe to use them at a lower wattage than 35?

Thank you all in advance!
Most importantly, would it be safe to use them at a lower wattage than 35?

There's nothing unsafe about using them at lower wattage than recommended. Try it and see.

Also, it might be an idea to ask a mod to move your question to Everything Ecigs (since it is not about TC vaping), where it will probably get more views and replies.
@bruxist as I do not like a hot vape myself I often vape at lower ohms than reccomended for stock coils.. it works fine and there are no safety issues with doing so... but if the wattage goes too far below the reccomended watts then you will find it doesnt produce much or any vapour... I go as low as gives me enough vapour and stick there generally.. the vape will be cooler and also will use less battery and coils will last longer... so win win as far as I am concerned... as long as enough power is getting to the coils for them to fire... reccomended watts are based around getting a certain level of performance from a specific coil (generally ot seems this is based around whether it puts out enough clouds bro these days...)
I use a Kanger Toptank Mini, and I've been really happy with it for the last few months, using solely NI200 coils in TC mode. I did try the Claptons that came with it, but as they only lasted for a day I decided not to bother with them again.

Recently my local got some of the ceramic coils in, so I thought I'd give them a go. They're great. Clean, full flavour and good cloud. But boy, do they get hot fast. Pulling twice in a row is a total no-no, as the tip gets too hot for my sensitive lips (yes I know how that sounds, thanks....) It's also a hot vape, and some of the flavours I like (Manabush Nokomis in particular) I find better when cool.

I'm using them at the lowest wattage, 35 (on the packet it stipulates 35 - 60). Can't even imagine what would happen if I went up beyond 35, and 60 sounds ridiculous.

My questions are: does anyone else have the same impression of these coils? Any solutions? Most importantly, would it be safe to use them at a lower wattage than 35?

Thank you all in advance!
I've been using them around 40 w in the nebox but it's a long way from the coil to the drip tip. Eat your batteries though.
Thanks! I'll just try it out. And point taken about this being a non-TC question! I'm so used to thinking of this mod as a TC mod that it didn't even cross my mind...
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