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Kanger DripBox 160

@Mitz hey man. just a quick update. I hadn't used the standard kanthal build that came with the kit - so have installed it and as you rightly said, it is much better than the claptons. Although it is better, I am still not getting that great vape. I will play around at the weekend I think with some simple kanthal coils and as mentioned previously on this thread, get the coils a little higher and see if that helps.

Still, nice suggestion on replacing those claptons! Much improved! (and I think the tank itself looks pretty good sat on top of the dripbox 160)

Hey @LordOvSalem

Glad you've given the Kanthals a go. Such a big difference. Definitely get the coils up a slight touch. I keep the top of my coils flush with the top of the air vents. So I can see them right thru the vents. And I can see the juice when I squonk. 60 to 70w with one third air flow closed off. Works a treat for me! Let me know how you get on.
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Yeh, the first photo you have put are the clapton coils. The second photo are the standard kanthal... I have just installed the standard kanthal coil's and they are definitely an improvement!

Hopefully you like it and enjoy the world of squonking!


You're not a pain mate. That's what we're here for.

The first photo shows the deck with the claptons. The second photo shows the spare deck with Kanthals. The first deck has posts with knurling on top so that they can be screwed down with your fingers. You can also use a screwdriver but it is not necessary unlike the second deck where you must use a screwdriver. Although a screwdriver can be used they are officially called screwless posts.

@Mitz @LordOvSalem

Hi guys thanks for the advice.
I just want to make sure that as it is my first venture into squonking that I get the best first impression.
Rather than going that was a waste of time, and money..........................

One final question, as essentially it is a dripper bottom feed, I know the wick will want soaking first, can I just drip a couple of juices first, before filling the feed bottle ?

Regards badboybez
@Mitz @LordOvSalem

Hi guys thanks for the advice.
I just want to make sure that as it is my first venture into squonking that I get the best first impression.
Rather than going that was a waste of time, and money..........................

One final question, as essentially it is a dripper bottom feed, I know the wick will want soaking first, can I just drip a couple of juices first, before filling the feed bottle ?

Regards badboybez

Absolutely. You can squonk or drip as and when. Just beware over dripped juice will not drain down in to the bottle. But you can for sure use it as a dripper and squonk whenever you're ready.
Absolutely. You can squonk or drip as and when. Just beware over dripped juice will not drain down in to the bottle. But you can for sure use it as a dripper and squonk whenever you're ready.

Great ;-)

So junk the clapton coils, and I should be up, and running by the weekend.

Just waiting for some new battery's from fogstar, I could take one out of another mod, but I like to keep them as matched pairs.

All I need now is a mile of kantahal wire.

Have you tried ss316, some people say it's the mutts nutts for flavour.
Great ;-)

So junk the clapton coils, and I should be up, and running by the weekend.

Just waiting for some new battery's from fogstar, I could take one out of another mod, but I like to keep them as matched pairs.

All I need now is a mile of kantahal wire.

Have you tried ss316, some people say it's the mutts nutts for flavour.

You will also have a couple of spare claptons in a little baggie. Don't bin them. Keep them for another tank down the line where they're more suited.

Married batteries are always best, IMHO.

I don't mind SS but Ni80 is my favourite wire by a mile.
Anyone seen these cheaper than $53 inc postage (from health cabin), dropped mine recently and the battery cover is knackered.
Driobox 160 is still my go to for high wattage squonking. Been so reliable and teamed with the maze 2 or tsunami 24 it packs a hell of a flavour punch.
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