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Kanger EVOD Woes.

I am wondering if it is related to the battery? While I have my own issues with EVODs, they never "dumped" juice. A tiny bit of seeping, right on top of the battery no more than that. But if the battery looks different, it might actually proper leak?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
This is a strange one, some people never get leaks from eVods and others do.

Personally mine leaked a lot. It must be how I filled them, or put them together or vaped them, whatever, for me they leak.

For those that do find them leaky I would suggest iClear or Aspire clearomisers.
ive had no problems with evods try the protank coils with the short chimney piece from the evod heads or add a tiny amount of cotton on top of the wick that should let less juice into the chamber
Does it always leak or only at certain juice level ?
My Kanger MT3 would always leak below half a tank. Only cure was to keep it topped up.

However switching over to the Davides these dont leak at all and they use the same coils.
Thanks everyone for the replies. The EVODs seem to be behaving themselves more now after I had a chat with Ash from myepack and slightly altering how they was used. The issue was mainly related to what my girlfriend and sister was experiencing. I ordered 2 more EVOD and the issue didn't occur once. Noticable difference was that the newest batch of EVOD came with the taller coil from the Protank and seemed to have slightly more wicking material.

So far so good. I hope it stays that way. Great little clearo for such little money!
Glad you got it sorted.i've been using evods for a few months never had a really issue with them.
i have the same issue with the 2 evods bcc i have it comes out the little hole out the back onto the battery just a drop of liquid i use the short chimney coil how do i fix this issue? every time i unscrew my evod to fill it i have a drop of liquid on my battery how did u manage to fix this i have this on 2 evods i thought it was my battery post first so i changed battery it did it on there too so now i know it is the clearomizer any ideas?
every time i unscrew my evod to fill it i have a drop of liquid on my battery

This happens with just about every device I have.

I don't count that as a proper leak. You'll know a proper leak when you get one :)

I always carry a piece of 'Vaper's Towel' (kitchen paper) and I always give the battery top a quick dab every time I remove a tank.
my vivi nova never leaks battery always dry but in the beginning my evods didnt do this..but even with a new coil still does it so not sure why and my other evod does it too so its not the tank shell not sure did the guy who post this fix his problem yet? if so id like to know how..
The little drop of liquid can be condensation. The EVOD is prone to this I've noticed, you can see it on the mouth piece. When I posted this I was getting the entire battery area full of juice. Watch the vid I posted in my other thread where you asked this.
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