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Kanger T2 OHMS Coils and Variable Vaping Question


Jul 31, 2013
Hi all,
Can anyone explain what the different coils do as I can purchase different OHMS replacements. I have a few batteries of differing MAH. I assume the battery has nothing to do with it as they all have the same output surely?
And while we are on his subject can someone explain why a Variable Voltage battery would be a good thing to buy.

Thanks in advance,
The MAH is how long the battery will last between charges. Lower ohm coils will put out more vapour and flavour than higher ones. Variable voltage will help you get more flavour and vapour out of any given ohm coil. I use lower ohms around 1.5 to 1.8 on my fixed voltage batteries which put out around 3.7 volts. I use variable voltage with any ohm coil to fine tune the vapour to how I like it.
some might like a lighter vape if they were on weaker cigs with big filters or didn't smoke much. also I think some flavours of eliquid might be better tasting at higher ohms. with variable voltage devices too; a medium to high ohm coil gives a good range to go at from just a bit of vapour up to a lot.
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