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Kangertech Subtank Mini Problems

Saw this on youtube the other day
Part of his tutorial is perfectly wicking a clapton. The guy has it down to an art.
No voice over, just some chilled music

Just had time to watch the vid. As someone who only started the other day that looks like something I'll need to practice! As an angler I do have the snap link swivels tho :)
I think I could wick that too, gap looks huge!
Which RBA deck? (does it screw on or slip & held by screw).
Cotton breaking - are you cutting with the grain?
Tonight I wicked using the Scottish roll method (1/2 a muji pad and roll up, I stopped & cut when the 'roll' was big enough to fit snuggly through coil). It seems to be working well (although I do not have issues generally, just fancied a play).

These cotton points refer to Muji etc (Ken Goh Do or whatever it is!)

Which RBA deck? (does it screw on or slip & held by screw).
Cotton breaking - are you cutting with the grain?
Tonight I wicked using the Scottish roll method (1/2 a muji pad and roll up, I stopped & cut when the 'roll' was big enough to fit snuggly through coil). It seems to be working well (although I do not have issues generally, just fancied a play).

These cotton points refer to Muji etc (Ken Goh Do or whatever it is!)

Regarding the RBA deck it's the one that comes with the Subox mini, I'm cutting with the grain but finding when I roll it seems to fall apart no matter how gentle.
I have just managed to tease it in with a brodder and it's fluffy throughout and I've not blocked the channels so hopefully I'll be winning this time.
Yeah but it depends how old your tank is.
Are there 2 large (about 3~4mm) holes in the side of the chimney cap thing, or, is it solid and 2 little square slots down at the deck?

The design changed and evolved from the first ones (which are the best when modified by the way).
1) be lazy. By the ready made clapton wire to start with. https://www.fasttech.com/products/3354400 about £4 for 5m
2) if the cotton breaks up that easily I'm guessing you're cutting across the fibres rather than with it.
3) Try using a thicker wire and it'll let you use a bigger internal diameter.

I always use 70%+ vg. I've found using a less dense wick helps the thicker juice soak up easier.
I make the ends fluffy and just touching where the juice comes in. (i.e. Not packing it in at all). Its working well for me.
I tweaked my technique after watching that vid..... Havent had a dry hit since even though I'm chain clouding. Even tested my clapton at 50w chaining it - not one dry hit (well, not yet anyway)
Coughed my guts up though.
Yeah but it depends how old your tank is.
Are there 2 large (about 3~4mm) holes in the side of the chimney cap thing, or, is it solid and 2 little square slots down at the deck?

The design changed and evolved from the first ones (which are the best when modified by the way).

Sorry I hadn't realised that, it's the one with the round holes
Hi,I have been using the subtank mini RBA v1 & v2 and over the last 8 months of using them I can say I have mastered wicking both,v1 RBA deck is modified and works good but for a vertical twisted kanthal (going to try Clapton soon) the v2 RBA coil with the two holes on the side is absolutely brilliant,I have modified the coils air holes at the very bottom which contacts with the pin,there is 4 holes and I just filed two away ,I'll put pics up if you ask. It works brilliant with a 4m diameter twisted kanthal at 0.4 and I can chain vape the tank dry. It's all about wicking right. Say if you made one and it is getting dry ,pick a bit of cotton out through the hole's,that solves it sometimes. I have a rather mad why of wicking the vertical coils. If your juice is high vg say 60 n up you need less cotton. And also the cotton pads wether they be muji,ko gen do or whatever,I use puff personally,aspire use it in triton coils,anyway,the outside off the pads are compacted so they need to get binned ,use the inside,sometimes one side can be used in some cases.Clean hands is a must. that youtube vid above,if you turned that Clapton so its vertical it would vape like a champ.if you modified the air hols at very bottom it turns it into another tank,huge vapour production and flavour,they can be such a good coil,I take my vertical tiwsted at 0.4 up to 50w and is brilliant,just as long as cotton is packed all around it.
Hi,I have been using the subtank mini RBA v1 & v2 and over the last 8 months of using them I can say I have mastered wicking both,v1 RBA deck is modified and works good but for a vertical twisted kanthal (going to try Clapton soon) the v2 RBA coil with the two holes on the side is absolutely brilliant,I have modified the coils air holes at the very bottom which contacts with the pin,there is 4 holes and I just filed two away ,I'll put pics up if you ask. It works brilliant with a 4m diameter twisted kanthal at 0.4 and I can chain vape the tank dry. It's all about wicking right. Say if you made one and it is getting dry ,pick a bit of cotton out through the hole's,that solves it sometimes. I have a rather mad why of wicking the vertical coils. If your juice is high vg say 60 n up you need less cotton. And also the cotton pads wether they be muji,ko gen do or whatever,I use puff personally,aspire use it in triton coils,anyway,the outside off the pads are compacted so they need to get binned ,use the inside,sometimes one side can be used in some cases.Clean hands is a must. that youtube vid above,if you turned that Clapton so its vertical it would vape like a champ.if you modified the air hols at very bottom it turns it into another tank,huge vapour production and flavour,they can be such a good coil,I take my vertical tiwsted at 0.4 up to 50w and is brilliant,just as long as cotton is packed all around it.

Any chance of a pic please? I have spare decks and prone to modding my mod!
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