Can I ask what is the diffrence in smoking with the ohms ie 0.3 ohm and 1 ohm
Others WILL disagree with me, I'm sure.
For me, the biggest difference was on mech mods. It was pretty much the only way to alter your vaping experience. Lower resistance meant more vapour but more drain on your battery
A partially charged battery charged at 4v (for example) worked out at 53watt with a .3 coil - the same battery at 4v with a 1ohm coil ran at 16 watts and so gave much less vapour and heat.
How low you could go depended on your batteries as options were much more limited 2 years ago
The .3 coil was 13amps but the 1ohm only took 4 amps.
With a regulated mod you could run both at 53 watts by pressing the + and - buttons on your mod.
I've only just switched to a regulated device and so I'm probably being too simplistic about it. As i said......... I'm sure others will disagree
Another consideration is dual coils and claptons etc do give you a lower resistance.
A 1 ohm dual coil would need 2 coils at 2ohms each. They'd end up quite big and so would need a lot of wick surface area and so I'd be more likely to get dry hits (with my still developing wicking skills).
I like to use fat wire as it leaves more gap between each wrap plus more wire surface area to create vapour. Fat wire = lower resistance.
I generally go .4 simply because its just 3 or 4 wraps of fat wire.