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Kangertech Subtank Nano - HELP

Purely for the rba section tbh! Stock coils will give the same experience I'm afraid which is why I suggested the apex too. Problem with these subtanks is the latest and greatest almost demand above 50 watts to get the most from them so rebuilding can make a lot more sense. The crown tank is supposed to be awesome but you'd need to throw more power at the stock coils than what you have available. It took has a rebuildable Base though so could be worth a look.
I'll need to get reading up on rebuildables - don't know the first thing about it yet!
It really isn't as hard as it seems. If you're using a regulated device it protects you from major fuck ups. The things to read and watch are lots of youtube videos on coiling and wicking, battery safety, ohms law. Use steam engine www.steam-engine.org to do a lot of the work for you. The more you rebuild the better your get. They even do rebuild kits like the coil master diy kit which makes it easier to get up and running. Check it out!
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