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Kayfun coil tool thing


Staff member
Jul 11, 2012
Now this looks like something to make a relatively easy job way more fiddly. Opinions?
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Wow! A great way to turn a 90 second job stretch to 5 minutes.

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So by the time he put the little box together with the coil inside we'd be filling and vaping, what is the point in something like that?

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Still count myself as a coil building noob but is a coil really that hard to build and install that you need special equipment?

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Now lets see them do that with 4mm voodoo & some 0.5 ribbon.
I don't care whether there is any point to this at all, I WANT ONE!!! I just love tacky plastic gadgets! Where can I buy one?! Or, more specifically, where can I dream of buying one, as I bet it costs an arm and a leg. :P
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