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Kayfun v4 wick woes

Update. Tried cotton bacon. 2x wicks over 2 days on the Kayfun v4. CB has a weird metal-like taste. 2 wicks later I got sick of the taste and went back to koh gen do. New KGB wick and after around 10 pulls normal service was resumed. It's not my coil and I washed the Kayfun inside out and it still had the same taste. CB wicks like nothing I have see. The thing is awesome for chain vaping but the taste is always there. I bought 2 bags so I will open the other one and try it on the marquis rda and see if it's any better. So basically CB....great wick material but cranky taste. 2nd bag to test. Must admit. KGD is so freekin consistent. If only I did not get dry hits as often as I do. For comparison KGD at 17w and 20w was damn great. KGD is 15w only for me. I am thinking that maybe I should try 3mm or better diameter coils and see how KGD holds up against my current 2mm coils
In the perfect world, we could all put the right amount of cotton through our coil, at the right amount of fluffiness/looseness, to match, perfectly, with the wattage we wish to vape at, so that the power and the wickabilty are in perfect harmony and give a satisfactory vape from first toke on a full tank, to last toke when it's empty.
There is an outside chance, that, occasionally, the world is not perfect, and we may have to tweak our watts a bit to suit the wick/coil we've just put in.
Wattage to match the wick, is loads easier than wicking to match the watts.
Cheers. Fan club of yours I will be of the joining^_^. I will be learning to live with KGD and its dry hits but when it's wet I don't notice anything<- this is vaping happiness.
I use KGD cotton on my Infinite K4 clone, 2mm coil at 1.1ohm, and wicks last around a week. Even then I'm not burning them, I change them because I know it's about the time when they will burn so I do it anyway.

Only difference is I'm on a mechanical mod.

Why not try lowering the power and see how that goes?

I get a great vape and flavour using my set up, but of course every juice optimises at different power/ohms etc. I mostly use Digbys Dr Jeckyl
My KF4 is a bitch to wick with a 1.2mm, 0.7 ohm coil, dry hits on the 2nd pull.

Re-wicked it and it worked fine. Had to dick around and re-wick, for no reason other than I can, dry hits again.

Re-wicked it again and also chucked a bunch of cotton over the top of the coil, seems happy now, till I dick around with it again...

Coil gets gunked up every day, must be the tobacco concentrates I use, there again, my HOL juice does the same.

At least it doesnt leak everywhere now I understand it.
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I use 3mm spaced Ni200 coils and never get dry hits, flooding or anything. Try bigger coils?
Guys. Update. So bought some cellucotton to try out and was expecting another failure like cotton bacon. Been vaping on the cellucotton rayon stuff and must admit, this thing wicks like a champ. Not even 1 dry hit yet. Very impressed. Usually by now KGD would of given at least a few drier hits. Cellucotton been on the button. Also while priming the wick I noticed that it wicks fast. Like cotton bacon fast. While wicking the Kayfun v4 I did keep the wick sides longer than usual. No weird metal taste like bacon. Just normal KGD like taste but without KGDs dry hit.

Flavour wise not complaints.

Becoming a fan really quickly.
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Posted this a few days ago on another thread..

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Guys. Gone of cellucotton/rayon. Think cotton pack has been contaminated as getting little or no flavour and cotton taste. Wicked it several times. Same thing. Orders some more rayon to test more. If it is another failure will stick to KGD with its drier hits.
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