Looking to get a new rba, cant decide between a kayfun style or genesis style device.
Never had a genesis before so I don't know what there like in comparison, don't want anything that will leak if I chuck it In my pocket or lay it down.
What do you guys think?
Pros cons?
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Your post reads like you've got a kayfun ? I'd suggest trying something new, so either a tailfun, herron ect or gennie. Gennies are a different beast, people tend to either love or hate them. Those that love them tend to use little else, but there are always exceptions of cause befour I get shot down by the occasional user.
If you decide to go the gennie rute I'd advise one with a reduced chamber, an insulated wick hole and watch loads of reviews/tutorials. Also be prepared to put the time in you may master it in 20mins but many don't.
different flavour from your juice tend to be better for tobacco and fruit type juice.
Loads more options available and some real bargains to be had in the classies.
can still be wicked with cotton, as well as silica, ss rope and the more traditional ss mesh.
Once built your coil will last a lot longer than with a silica build
Tends to be a longer learning curve to get it right initially (took me about a week and 2 different atties to get a consistent vape)
Need to be kept upright, they are more prone to leaking
different flavour, not so good for custard, and creamy type vapes,