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Kayfun vs genesis


Jun 18, 2014
Looking to get a new rba, cant decide between a kayfun style or genesis style device.
Never had a genesis before so I don't know what there like in comparison, don't want anything that will leak if I chuck it In my pocket or lay it down.
What do you guys think?
Pros cons?

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Kayfun all day long for me, works brilliantly all the time. There are some good gennies out there but on the hole they're not for me.
genesis style atomisers are the work of satan.....If, and I do mean if...you can get one set up right, then they are good but I've never managed it....Kayfuns on the other hand are a piece of p*ss to set up with cotton and vape beautifully....I've got three on the go right now and alternate between them....
Looking to get a new rba, cant decide between a kayfun style or genesis style device.
Never had a genesis before so I don't know what there like in comparison, don't want anything that will leak if I chuck it In my pocket or lay it down.
What do you guys think?
Pros cons?

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes

Most if not all gennies need to be kept upright or the juice will seep out.
once built right the vape from a genesis is outstanding, but they take patience to set up.
depending on our patience and skill level you may want the easy option of a silica atty like a kayfun
Having said all that you can build a genny with cotton if you wish (or silica)
Another vote

Another vote for the Kayfun. Gennies leak at the slightest provocation. Fine for the house when they are being kept upright and they produce a great vape, but awful for carrying in your pocket. I also find Kayfun's easier to build on and wick, and the flavour from them is fantastic.

One other possibility of course is an RDA, but dripping isn't for everyone. I like the way drippers look and I think they produce fantastic flavour and vapour, but I value the convenience of a tank more.
Magma... oh you dont want an RDA :-(

I don't like RBAs however cant fault either of my Kayfuns and well I hate Gennys... A fucking pain in the ass IMO

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Looking to get a new rba, cant decide between a kayfun style or genesis style device.
Never had a genesis before so I don't know what there like in comparison, don't want anything that will leak if I chuck it In my pocket or lay it down.
What do you guys think?
Pros cons?

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Your post reads like you've got a kayfun ? I'd suggest trying something new, so either a tailfun, herron ect or gennie. Gennies are a different beast, people tend to either love or hate them. Those that love them tend to use little else, but there are always exceptions of cause befour I get shot down by the occasional user.
If you decide to go the gennie rute I'd advise one with a reduced chamber, an insulated wick hole and watch loads of reviews/tutorials. Also be prepared to put the time in you may master it in 20mins but many don't.

different flavour from your juice tend to be better for tobacco and fruit type juice.
Loads more options available and some real bargains to be had in the classies.
can still be wicked with cotton, as well as silica, ss rope and the more traditional ss mesh.
Once built your coil will last a lot longer than with a silica build

Tends to be a longer learning curve to get it right initially (took me about a week and 2 different atties to get a consistent vape)
Need to be kept upright, they are more prone to leaking
different flavour, not so good for custard, and creamy type vapes,
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