gary1968 Thanks for the encouragement Gary. I think I'll go for a Aerotank Mega for the adjustable air flow. Glad you're enjoying your vape. Cheers.
Diche Cheers for the recommendation mate. Putting my mind at ease.
wullie46 Thanks for the welcome wullie. Hmm, now I'm starting to doubt whether to go for the Aerotank mega or the mini protank 3, as it is much cheaper. I know I talked about wanting my vaping to be in line with what I spent of rollies (£10 a week) but I feel like spoiling myself just this last time *promise* for now. There must be a reason why the Aerotank Mega is more expensive than a protank mini 3. Is it simply due to the size of the tank and the adjustable airflow? If it uses the same coils then does that mean it's basically the same taste you get? Hmm, maybe I have spent quite a bit recently so maybe I need to reign myself in and go for the cheaper option. I can afford the Aerotank Mega with a few coils, but after that I need to curb my spending. Or maybe I should just curb it now, hmm. Again thanks for the encouragement. I know once I get the flavour I don't care about the rollies.
Azrael_Fallen Yeah I seen that in a youtube vid, looks weird how the tank is not full when it is. Guess I could live with that. Can you see when it needs refilling though? Oh I remember in the vid, you tip it upside down don't you, so you can see. Thanks for the tip on the coils. I'll order a couple of 1.5 coils with it. I vape from 100%VG to 50/50 max, can't do higher PG than that. What do you think is better out there? (non-rebuildables). PS: When you say 'Aerovalve', do you mean the adjustable airflow Aerotank?
all. Anyone here used myepack before? I ordered my MVP 2 from them. Got pretty good service, but as stated in the first post I got dud iclear16b coils. I saw a pBusardo vid where he talks about the first version of the Aerotank Mega's air holes were too small and something else (placement of holes I think) that has now been adjusted. I'm just thinking, if my iclear16b coils were duds, is this because they were the first batch, and everything myepack get is from one of the first batches. Just wondering, as they have good prices but I'd rather make sure I know what I am getting rather than just base it on price. I guess I should ask them but I'd rather get an independent view here first.
PS: My Kanger T3S didn't connect to my MVP 2, so I had to pull the centre pin down a bit. I'd rather not have to do this on other Kanger's. The MVP 2 is supposed to work with ego and 510 connections but I've read that Kanger's don't connect well to the MVP 2. is this true? Should I get a 510 to ego adapter or do I not need one? Would appreciate some advice on that.