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Last minute postal day is the 23rd at Stealthvape


Premium Vendor
Aug 1, 2012
I've been negotiating with the boss about our last post run being on Monday the 23rd for the stragglers and last minute types amongst us. Royal Mail want you to get all of your shopping done by Friday and it's their advice to not rely on their network for anything sent after this date unless you're choosing special delivery as the postage option.

We're also extending our cut off time to 3pm for the Monday.

The next postal date is the 2nd of January but other than a few days off over the holidays we'll still be processing orders so there won't a backlog to clear in the new year.

As long as the boss keeps the mince pies coming I'll keep packing orders :)
Occasionally we get surprised by an early delivery with Fedex so there's hope :)
Bob hope or No hope? :rofl:

Have a merry xmas Rob & hope Santa has left you something nice in one of those boxes your (supposed to be) packing.
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