I'm very aware of the business implications and standard political corrupting involved in this issue. I didn't say they were small, I say 'relatively small' as in by comparison to the number of smokers and non-smokers. Using the 1.3m figure there are around 9x as many smokers as vapers and of course a lot of them will be using the cigarette replicants that don't necessarily produce the clouds we are talking about. I think it's accurate and true to call 10% relatively small, I did say growing and the percentage of people with PVs using high VG mixes will be a lot lower.
That reads very much like you are lumping vapung in with smoking, I like your lack of clear context, you can imply without really saying what your actually saying. Your certainly a step above the usual gutter trash and providing a fair amount of entertainment too.
However, you are still wrong in your assumption.
You assume that us engaging you are some camo wearing militant vapers, out to fog the whole world with our demon breath.
You are wrong, you totally miss understand our point, 1 by the way, we are as has been stated multiple times, capable of rational thought, of controlling our urges to start another pea souper, this is not and never has been any one of us banging the table with mod in one hand, 100% vg in the other, stating we will without fail blow clouds.
This is us stating that people should acknowledge our right to make our own informed decision about what is right or wrong for our own specific situation without some imbecile telling us what we can and cannot do viz a viz what we use and how we use it.
We are adults, trusted to do important things like earn money, pay taxes and raise kids, that being the case, we should, nay we will, make up our own minds about what is appropriate to use and how to use it. We should no more have to have terms dictated to us than idiot football fans seem to not have terms dictated on what is appropriate behaviour, or bankers or politicians, or the media for that matter.
The funny thing is, you'll likely find that us shouting loudest here for our rights are the onesost likely to be the most considerate.
Because we are fucking rational adults not fucking three year old fucking kids!