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Leaving the EU

@crustyfolker I can understand having that perception, but at the end of the day I would rather they take their time than rush in. There is so much Euro law covering many aspects of our lives that it is wrong to invoke Article 50 before this has been scoped out. While CPD has been raised as a major issue for vapors the majority of the legislation is directed towards tobacco, and a lot of it does make sense. Without EU legislation we would(may)not have (had) many of the protections that as employees we have today, Whether that be working hours, disability, contracts or the like.
The scaremongers that are the media treat the populace as uninformed idiots who can be controlled/directed towards a decision on their say so. With the advent of social media this has changed for the better(I hope), We as a people are more informed as to the aspects of life, than at any time in our history,

CPD at the moment unfortunately will be at the bottom of the pile when it comes to being reviewed post Brexit, but we can only live in hope that the powers that be treat it with the same contempt that we do!

Soz if this was a bit of a ramble but drinking!!!
@crustyfolker I can understand having that perception, but at the end of the day I would rather they take their time than rush in. There is so much Euro law covering many aspects of our lives that it is wrong to invoke Article 50 before this has been scoped out. While CPD has been raised as a major issue for vapors the majority of the legislation is directed towards tobacco, and a lot of it does make sense. Without EU legislation we would(may)not have (had) many of the protections that as employees we have today, Whether that be working hours, disability, contracts or the like.
The scaremongers that are the media treat the populace as uninformed idiots who can be controlled/directed towards a decision on their say so. With the advent of social media this has changed for the better(I hope), We as a people are more informed as to the aspects of life, than at any time in our history,

CPD at the moment unfortunately will be at the bottom of the pile when it comes to being reviewed post Brexit, but we can only live in hope that the powers that be treat it with the same contempt that we do!

Soz if this was a bit of a ramble but drinking!!!

Some valid points there but first thing is i was voicing an opinion, not saying what should or should not be or happen.
anyway that aside. The EU is non democratic and that is it's main problem. Yes it has done some good but also as much bad. The Euro currency is failing, ok the pound is not fairing well at the moment. Yes i believe in helping each other out but this can only be done after you have looked after yourself first. IE UK is in debt so why give money to other countries in the same position. To me it makes no sense as it causes Our own to get annoyed because they have to go without to foot the bill.
Would you pay a fine for someone who had been caught driving at 70 in a 30 zone?. No you would say it's their own fault. Debt for countries is mainly caused by themselves making bad decisions or taking risks.

As far as the nation believing what the tabloids and media say, again that is because of our Sheep and Chavistic nation, where so many people feel that everyone should be the same , do the same, look the same, same , same ,same.
If they choose an alternative they are then bullied, to try and make them do what others want.

Taking their time or rushing in to article 50 will just result in the same thing for most cases. The point with what i said is we get offered something, made promises then they are not fullfilled. if i saaid i would send you a Box mod you wanted free of charge then didn't and ignored you then you would feel annoyed or at least wonder why i had broke my word. This is how everyone who voted leave must feel too.

No good the UK keep going back to Tory or Labour and then moaning we need a change. So next elction choose a different party, no matter what it is be it Green, Ukip, lib dems. That is the only way i can see a possible change on how the UK has always been run by the same 2 parties which have always let people down. Not saying any party will achiev total satisfaction of the nation just give someone different a try. It's only 5 years and we can get rid. at least try all the flavours rather than get vapers tongue by sticking to the same 2 all the time.

Finally did you mean TPD not CPD lol. sorry about the long explaination just trying to put it in an alternative perspective, me being an alternative sort of bloke.
Yeah did mean TPD, not trying to knock your opinion btw.
We are all individuals who have their own perspective when it comes to the way we live our lives, vape, politics and our general nature. While we may not agree on everything we are capable of understanding the many facets of any argument without relying on violence(majority of the time). The predisposition of many in this day and age to shout loud and expect everybody to follow suit has been pervasive over the last few months.
The old question always come to mind though! When do you know a politician is lying? Their lips are moving.
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