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Review Leisure Liquids - The Flavour Pantry Tobaccos


May 29, 2015


Many thanks to @leisureliquids for the awesome and unusual "Guess the Weight" giveaway, it sure was fun :11: :hmm: :doh:

I received as my prize the Just Add DIY Eliquid Mixing Bottle (70/30), 3 Nic Shots and 30ml of Smooth Tobacco. I was also sent the four new additions to the tobacco range, to try. I was under no obligation to post a review, I just thought it was a fair thing to do, all things considered.

Mixed 10/4/21: 70/30 @ 12.50%, 50/50 @ 10%.
Vaped in: 70/30: Mesh and standard dual coil rdas', Mesh & standard dual coil rtas'. 50/50: Pods and restricted lung rtas.

Smooth Virginia

I'm tasting a fruit in this one, perhaps a blueberry or blackberry, light on the tobacco. Some sweetness on the inhale with the fruit on the exhale, combined with something that could represent the Smooth, I'm really not sure. In summation, a pleasant light fruity tobacco, with a strange twist, that could be the smooth element. Steep for at least a month.

Blueberry Tobacco

I don't really do fruits, this one is a fairly powerful berry tobacco, with the baccy taking a back-seat, big time. The berry to me, is a highly perfumed affair, is very sweet, in an odd way – all on the exhale, almost everything is about the exhale, with this one. I will be passing it onto a friend, who loves fruits and strong flavour, he'll get off on this. Leisure Liquids recommend 10-15% when mixing the tobaccos. This one, if I was mixing again, I would mix at 5% to start with, it's just too overpowering at 10% and above. Extra long steeping here, I'd say 2 months minimum, very odd, for a fruit but the longer I've steeped it, the more palatable it has become. Needs more tobacco in the mix, this is almost a straight fruit, to my taste buds.


Is RY4 a tobacco? Yes, no, don't know, not sure, I think no, yes, umm, I give up :doh:

Anyway, this one is not too sweet, it's not sickly and full of caramel and vanilla, unlike many out there. Slightly dry, back notes of caramel & vanilla, a decent standalone, mainstream tobacco. It has that bitter and mysterious RY4 off note, that fades the longer you steep, ideally I would steep for 2 months.

Cutters Roll

I've smoked Cutters Choice, I was never that keen, but lets face it, all smoking (cigars apart) was a pile of shite tbh. Possible old memories of CC here, a RYO element, dryish (which is good), a slight bitterness, on the exhale. A mild ash, semi-dense vape, hard to pinpoint the tobacco base, a relative of RY4, perhaps. Steep for at least 3-4weeks.

Vanilla Tobacco

A medium tobacco with a wonderful and somewhat unusual almost dry dusty vanilla, dense clouds and mouthfeel, not too sweet at all. Needs less steep time than all the others, a couple of weeks here. A great marriage of vanilla and baccy, winner winner chicken dinner, I'll be having me some more of this one :2thumbsup:


Overall I was pleasantly surprised by 4 of the 5, a job well done, and no faffing around, just mix and as ever, wait (the hard bit). Thanks for reading :D

Buy Just Add Mixing Bottles and Our Tobacco Flavours
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Thank you so much for trying these for us @andi52 , as you know, tobacco flavours are so hard to replicate and are always hit and miss, which is why I value feedback on our tobacco flavours more than any other flavour.
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