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Let's talk about the Gene Fit intelligent modes exclusively designed on New drags

I see. ‘Chip stand’. Yes.
For display purposes. Put in on your desk a stare at it.
Hmmm, this all got a bit out of hand didn’t it... I was at least ‘attempting’ to engage with it on a technical level.

‘Gene’ is quite a nice name for a tech product really. Brings up associations of biotech/ nanotechnology etc.

Btw. You’ve completely lost me since you got into podiatry here.
Says the man who posted a pic of Gene Hackman?????? :P

I'm not keen on the looks, but I do think of the Drag as a decent mod, I just get tired of the lazy marketing.
From this (classic of the avante garde...)

There is clearly something lacking in my education ....... I have just realised I have been confusing those two Genes my entire life ........ :11: :8:
It's a shame that there is no dust or fire, that means you have to rely solely on the clouds for the Gene Genie effect (sorry for the artistic license used).
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