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Letter from Sajjad Karim MEP :)



Thank you for your email regarding proposed EU regulations that could see a
reclassification and restriction on the availability of electronic

I completely share the concerns you outline in your email and believe that
the current proposals (as part of the EU Tobacco Products Directive) would
have serious implications for people who now use Electronic Cigarettes as a
healthier alternative to smoking and who have been unable to kick the habit
using other techniques. I have received hundreds of representations from
constituents who have successfully reduced or quit smoking as a result of
electronic cigarettes.

The original legislation did come before all MEPs in the European Parliament
on the 8th October 2013 where I was delighted when the majority of the
Parliament joined me and my Conservative colleagues in voting to reject the
then proposals to reclassify e-cigarettes as ‘medicinal products’, which
would have restricted their accessibility to the public.

Unfortunately, despite this positive result in the Parliament, the
subsequent negotiations with the European Commission (the EU’s Executive
body) have seen the latter propose a final 'take-it-or-leave-it' compromise.
This new proposal would place a 10ml limit on the volume of cartridge sizes
(Parliament did not want a limit); limits the concentration of nicotine to
20ml/mg (Parliament voted for 30mg/ml); and enable the banning of refillable
e-cigarettes if three or more Member States choose to ban them. In addition,
there are also numerous regulations proposed for advertising, product safety
and use.

As you rightly highlight, the poor quality of this legislation has been
further illustrated by the recent evidence that e-cigarette research has
been misunderstood by the Commission, thus producing a faulty foundation for
their approach.

Needless to say, Conservatives have strongly disagreed with this new
proposal, as it does not satisfy the need to ensure that these beneficial
products are accessible to users (many of whom are smokers trying to quit).
Instead, we feel the Commission proposal limits the usability, convenience
and attractiveness of a product which has such huge potential to help public

To this end, please be assured that I and my Conservative colleagues will
fight against this hastily put together legislation that will restrict
e-cigarettes and we will oppose it when the file goes before the full
European Parliament again this spring.

Yours sincerely

Sajjad Karim MEP

Conservative Member of the European Parliament for North West England
We know conservatives will tell Martin Schulz they wish to pull ecigs from the TPD... Lib Dems are a maybe...Labour is a definite no.

We also know at least one German MEP who will ask to pull.

Who else? I sure hope they do the right thing.
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