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LFT tests


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016
just been told I'm to test at home as well as workdays so I'm bringing home a big box of LFT (lateral flow tests) next week as well as doing PCR tests every time I go in

the south African variant has got people shitting themselves hence the test

I'm getting a dab hand at it I used to count how many I've done now it's past 100 so i haven't a clue
What’s the difference in terms of test method? Is it another straight up the nose effort?

do these tests return results faster than a PCR test?
Are you using this technique yet Stu
Are you using this technique yet Stu
View attachment 239265

had a friend ring me in a panic a couple of years ago he had a raging toothache and was on holiday in france the doctor gave him a script of sorts to get from the local "le pharmacien" he rang me up saying he took a pill and was foaming at the mouth he was worried he had rabies

I told him

"wrong end"

"what do you mean"

"don't eat them they go uppa de bum you twonk"

"oh shit"

"you got the idea well done"

I explained they were rectal painkillers as they absorb quicker he was mortified poor sod
What’s the difference in terms of test method? Is it another straight up the nose effort?

do these tests return results faster than a PCR test?

just the speed lfts take 25 mins to display a result the swabs are the same back of the throat and up the nose

working with female colleagues I did mine with a co-worker the other day she does the throat one easy even hums a little tune I gag and cough she just looks at me and says "had a lot of practice honey" for once I had sod all to say

don't work with female nurses is all I can say to you......
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