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Limitless RDTA replacement glass


New Member
May 8, 2016
hi, had my limitless Ijoy RDTA for a few days now and been loving the way it vapes! but today managed to knock it over and crack the glass!! Does anyone know if they do replacement glass parts yet or any other that will fit as I've done a Google search and can't see anything



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I'm no help whatsoever, but your post filled me with excitement, then deep sorry and anxiety for you! Am awaiting the slow boat on this one.
Waiting for mine too. I imagine fastech will have one in soon though. They normally do after a tank has been out for a little while!
The Ehpro f1 bottom glass section has the same measurements as the limitless glass.
I have some on order from fasttech,i can get back to you when they arrive but I am 99% sure they will work.
Good tip, I've ordered a few, I have two RDTA incoming so will be needed.
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