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Lockdown V3

So if this professor West is legit then whats the "Only 5% more transmissible strain" thing all about?
Has it been debunked to mildly more transmissible or was it a typo?
Revisit your source and you'll probably find it says 50% and not 5%... or not... maybe...
Revisit your source and you'll probably find it says 50% and not 5%... or not... maybe...

As I said to @StrawberryRipple 5% may well be right, I heard that figure somewhere else as well as here.
To be honest I have been thinking for the last few days, can we believe any of the figures nowadays ?
Infection rates, Test rates, Case rates, Death rates, and now we have Vaccination rates, even the way they are calculated changes now,and again to blur everything........................
2 Women Arrested Today For Sitting On A Bench Bournemouth

I don’t know how I feel over the video but the argument that was put across was this one

'If there was a gunman who killed 1,000 people yesterday running around the country and the Government said 'stay at home' everyone would say 'OK I'll do that, I won't go for a coffee with some friends and walk around the park'

they have a point where do you draw the line I expect the police are pretty fed up with the range of excuses if I was a copper I would be nicking everyone after the first day I expect
they have a point where do you draw the line I expect the police are pretty fed up with the range of excuses if I was a copper I would be nicking everyone after the first day I expect

Well, I don't know where they would put everyone, my local nick had its cells closed down (due to cutbacks) and they were transporting people 20 miles away to Eastbourne police station. That would not be good use of police resources, esp. for someone who was just sitting on a bench, drinking a cup of tea or coffee.
Well, I don't know where they would put everyone, my local nick had its cells closed down (due to cutbacks) and they were transporting people 20 miles away to Eastbourne police station. That would not be good use of police resources, esp. for someone who was just sitting on a bench, drinking a cup of tea or coffee.

i know what your saying andi and agree wholeheartedly this lockdown is just crazy everyone knows how bad it is (apart from some flat earth muppets) but it's like everyone is numb I know I am. its a coping mechanism I know I'm going to get it there is no doubt I'm scared to death to bring it home with me, mentally wise it's doing damage I've just had a range of tests because I am waking up at night drenched in sweat reliving the day but its all negative waiting on an x-ray result but it looked fine when I saw it in imaging.

but what can you do some people go out to take a coffee and sit on a bench for 10mins or go for a walk etc I expect last time those people were holed up for 4 months climbing the walls
2 Women Arrested Today For Sitting On A Bench Bournemouth

They have to be consistant though
No letting people off because they are an MP or have a couple of million in the bank.
We will soon find out.
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