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London POTV Meet

69. Tempted, very tempted...

P.S. cant do Friday of Wednesday nights and will be unavailable from 15th of September until 1st of October.
P.P.S may be some Vape Shop owners with plenty of space to host such venue will stand up?
Would love to attend but i live in warwickshire, and don't have a car :(
Well didn't achieve much today.....wait no think positive travelled all across London today and crossed off 5 possible venues from the list

And 2 possibly YouTube vape stars have at least not ruled it out.

Will nail the venue before the weekend
what sort of venues have you checked out, pubs, clubs,hotels.
im totally out of touch now with london clubs or venues since i retired from DJing 9 years ago and sadly my contacts list has dried up.
i know there are a few hotels which have roof gardens but you need a morgage to get a round in.
good luck with the search @F4T_XJ
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