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Long time lurker from Birmingham!


Dec 9, 2013
thought I'd finally join a forum and this seed the friendliest (plus it has the coolest name and logo ;)

Been vaping on and off about 2 years with cig-o-likes, useless and left it a while. Impulse bought an ego starter set about 12-18 months ago, bought a few CE4s etc, still stayed with the analogues ;(

Got a mini vivi-nova and got a bit more interested, much better performance, then a couple of months ago got an iTaste VV v3 - and gave up smoking after over 20 years that day... and haven't looked back ;)

After a month of no analogues, I saw a good deal on an eVic - so treated myself to that and a Kanger Pro Tanc 2.

I also started mixing my own juice around a month ago, mixed success but no-doubt more on that soon!

I live in Birmingham and there are quite a few vape shops, which I'll create a post about soon - seem to be springing up all over the place!
hyas JVapeUK

must be nice to be in the big city and have a "touchy feely" choice of things.

used to work in Brum for a while. miss the curries!!

welcome :noob:
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