Get a bowl of water.
Take cap off the top of the coil. It's a tight fit so use a small screwdriver or something to prise it off but watch your fingers. It is just pushed in.
Remove old cotton.
Screw coil onto your mod. ( make sure it's turned off first incase you press the fire button by accident ).
Set mod to about 20 watts.
Turn mod on and pulse it in small bursts until the coil glows, stop firing it and keep your finger away from the button and then dunk the coil in the bowl of water. But whatever you do, make sure it's only the coil and don't get the mod or 510 connection wet and most importantly don't fire it when it's in the water.
Shake the water off and blow in the end of the coil to get the burnt crud out. Repeat as necessary until the coil is clean.
Turn mod off and unscrew coil and then rewick it but only after the coil is dry.
I think that explains it OK.