Thankyou for that Domejunky and also i'd rather not taste loads of dount haha
Yeah i have seen Chefs Concentrates they do loads of flavours!, I'm really picky person, i also use E-liquid-Recipes too, is possibly to get like one flavour for example Capella Vanilla Custard V1 and just mix one flavour at the %, would it still taste nice? If so can you do that with evey single flavour?
Actually when I made my first batch that's what I did. I saw a more experienced user suggesting that. Because when you think about it, if you try mixing a batch of 3 flavours and hate it, you can't be sure which flavour is the problem. I'd try really small batches to start and perfect one flavour at a time you really like and then you can modify it add other stuff and make a bigger batch. It takes time and practise and I was really disappointed with some of my first stuff but with practise you can tailor something that is perfect for your tastes.