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Looks Like Another National Lockdown Is Coming

it took months to get it somewhere near under control last time this time will be no different
apolofgies if already posted
A lot of traffic about today still. Can't see much sign of lockdown.
I do believe I said 4 weeks not month's and I'm so so sorry for not putting every single little exception in my post. Of course there are some industries that would have to carry on. That's obvious to anybody with common sense. I was being general.

Maybe you should read other peoples post's more thoroughly before getting "hot under the collar"
I never said months, I said "for a month, or so" :)
As to your comment of "some industries that would have to carry on" over the coming days you could while away the time thinking about all the industries that you don't normally consider that run 24/7 keeping you safe, and comfy in your home, if you really think about everything you do, or use you will find there are hundreds, if not thousands. I know I have worked in them for over 40 years now.
"i was being general" ooh, have you been promoted ? :18:

However, your statement about not being able to cook food and the need for sanitation/sewage removal etc. is utter bollocks. Well, for some of us anyway [emoji6] I've spent week's "in the field " cooking my own food ( humans have had the ability to make fire for a very long time you know) and as far as shitting is concerned, the military (and outdoors types) have been digging holes for year's

Now there is no need to be abusive by calling my comments "bollocks" I could equally say you are talking out of your arse, but you normally have that shoved in a hole in the ground I suppose. :18:
If you have have had weeks of experience living in a field why do you not do that now then ? it would save you a lot of money on household bills.
How does your little plan work for people living in flats then ? how do they dig a hole in the ground to shit in ? how do they light a fire to cook without setting the flat on fire ?
Yes humans have had the ability to make fire for centuries, but have also for hundreds of years decided that it was not the best way to cook your tea. :)
Well people could shit in holes in the ground, but apart from the disease problems that would ensue, at this point in the year I bet it would be nigh on impossible to get a doctor to treat your frostbitten bollocks. :18:
You mention "the military (and outdoors types)" is that your solution to the covid virus then, that the people that live in flats, or are disabled (so can't dig a hole) or are blind, plus many others of the population die from either covid, dysentery (not nice, had it once myself) or food poisoning / starvation should die off, and leave the ex military, and campers to survive ? :hmm:

Not sure why I'm answering this tbh, I got a notification even though you're on ignore . You must have such a limited life to find time to pick on every single little detail. Most of the time people post broad statements, finer detail would need to be worked out.

I'm not sure why you answered it either, there is a simple answer though, if you have me on ignore, why when you strangely got an "alert" did you not just think I am not going to read that as I have the guy on "ignore" and mores to the point, why reply ?
My post was a broad statement, it broadly said that there are far more "essential" workers than simply doctors, and nurses.
I live life to the full as far as I can mate, within the limits of my disabilities, my hobbies include diy vape liquid, reading, model engineering, lapidary, wood carving, and I am currently preparing a second property for sale / rental, plus of course socialising with my friends in a couple of pubs. :) In fact I quite enjoy my life since getting ill, apart of course being on 50% pay, I ike to think of it as early retirement. :)
What do you do to pass the time, apart from digging holes, and setting fire to things. :18:
You could always emigrate to America, and join the "armageddon guys" who have their own self contained bunkers, and enough firearms for a revolution, or maybe Australia where you could live in the outback deserted areas.
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I live life to the full as far as I can mate, within the limits of my disabilities, my hobbies include diy vape liquid, reading, model engineering, lapidary, wood carving, and I am currently preparing a second property for sale / rental, plus of course socialising with my friends in a couple of pubs.

Confirms my suspicions, you live a charmed life :D
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