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Loose O rings?


Jun 8, 2014
I found this trick online and it has been an absolute life saver for me. I had a mephisto clone with crazy loose o rings and it leaked out the base frequently.

Take the O ring off with a screwdriver, wrap one layer of regular dental floss around it and replace the o ring. Fiddly job, but absolutely worth it.
Top tip, thanks.

Used to do a similar thing on a larger scale using the plumbers PTFE tape on engines/mechanicals.
PTFE tape works too, just give it a stretch so it's thin (like dental floss ;))

Never would have thought of doing it to fix a loose drip tip.
If it had a gallon of primo 20/50 coming out of it I would have been straight on it.

Annoyingly wobbly protank tip now fixed.
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