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Lord Sugars Tweet on E Cigs


Jul 13, 2012
Lord Sugar ‏@Lord_Sugar
E cigarettes tell me your experience of these. I am interested in if you stopped real fags or if you went back to them.reply with #efag

Please let him know


In 9 days time I will be 2 years fag free, thanks to ecigs,nothing else worked for me.
He's going to either gear up his shitty company to make them or he's going to invest his pot from the apprentice into some joint ecig venture.
Maybe we will be getting Amstrad Lights problem is they blow up in your face :)
They're the next big thing and I suppose he wants to get in and try to promote them before any other so called celebs beats him to it, he can then pretend that he's the one that actually made them main stream to the rest of us.
But any good publicity isn't a bad thing.
Well I've tweeted him twice, once saying its got me off fags for nearly three years and inviting him here :)
Lord Sugar can spot a growing market, and he has the electronics background. Would he be a good news story for e-cigs?
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