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Lots of unanswered questions for a newbie


Dec 19, 2014
Hi everyone

So I've been vaping on my BEC Pro and Aerotank Mega and am quite pleased with how things are going (off the cigs since NYE) but could use some help and to be pointed in the right direction...

So to start with I should say that my decision to try rebuilding comes from two pathways if you get me. The first is for my husband who is blind and who currently vapes on an MVP 2.0 with a mini nautilus. The problem we face with that is he needs someone to check and adjust everything. Advice online on FB groups has been to go down the mechanical mod route for him and eventually find a sealable rebuildable tank. So that is in the back of my head.

The second pathway of reasoning is that I want a smaller setup and to get more life out of my coils. I also have some pros and cons in my head such as
1. Dripping giving me the option to change flavours but losing the tank capacity.
2. Using higher VG juice in my Aerotank means coils don't last long, and even on higher PG I go through them as expected and the cost adds up.
3. I could go with NV coils or just say sod it and go with more flexibility.
4. I have no desire to subohm at this point.
5. I love the look and size of some mechanical mods and size is not on my side in the BEC.

So, I'm sat on this question of where next. I would love the versatility of dripping and changing flavours whenever I want. I'm leaning towards getting an RDA capable of dual or single coil builds, and my first mechanical mod. I can continue to use my Aerotank Mega for when I'm out. Once I am a bit more experienced I hope to switch my hubby onto a mechanical mod with a rebuildable tank if I can find one he can have a spare of in his pocket and not have to think about.

The questions I need to answer are...

1. I only ever see videos on dripping sub ohm - is this because it is crap at higher resistances? Or is it just because it's a bit trendy to subohm, but it's still a good experience on higher resistances?

2. Is it better/easier to start out on an RDA or RBA for the sake of learning or is this just a matter of preference?

3. What recommendations do you have for a first mech mod in cylinder shape that has vent holes and a lockable button/switch (and is relatively inexpensive and available in the UK)? I was originally heavily recommended Nemesis clones but when I asked on FB groups these seem to have a lot of complaints, so I'm a bit confused.

4. What kit would you recommend for beginner/basic coil builds - I see people using their regulated mods to pulse coils together and others using blow torches and ohms meters and I could use a no nonsense list that keeps the costs down as much as possible.

5. I see lots of info on gauges of kanthal and how many wraps but again a lot of these are for specific builds and resistances and don't say how to adapt them otherwise - is there a guide that has a chart or something that tells you what gauge and how many wraps for x amount of ohms on y setup? Is there a simple guide to why people choose single or dual or more? I've only read/watched that multiples heat up quicker and not what this means for the quality or type of vape you get out of them or the implications in battery life/safety etc.

I have read/watched up on ohms law and battery safety and currently have VTC4 batteries but would be fine to buy others.

Any pointers or thoughts much appreciated and I'm sorry for yet another thread. You must be sick of me asking but I feel without going through all of this I may as well not bother moving forward and that's fine until I want to go out with this huge BEC Pro in my pocket. Lol.


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Oh I forgot to say I have some recommendations for rebuildable tanks but I haven't asked for some for an RDA if I go that route so recommendations welcome please!
Coil wrapping | Steam Engine | free vaping calculators Use this for your coiling.

You can't go too wrong with a Nemesis mod and either a Magma or Mephisto Dripper as yer first set up. All quite straight forward and very reliable.
Tank wise, I only use a Fogger V4.1, but I am used to coiling it. Other here will recommend a Kayfun, apparently the fast tech clone isna too bad.

Someone far cleverer can explain why sub ohms on mechs is cool as rainbows.
Thanks ever so much - the link is much appreciated!! Yeah I've had a few recommendations of tanks, hard to choose, but I don't know about which drippers would be good. Flavour is most important to me. The people who are saying don't touch the Nemesis clones are saying the clones have bad switches and a lot of rattle. I wouldn't know myself so don't anyone shoot the messenger lol xx
A dripper needs more power to produce all those fat clouds of fog. On your BEC you can probably build a 1 ohm coil and crank it up to 50 watts and all will be well with the world, a mech on the other hand only has one setting. If you remember your high school science Power = (voltage x voltage) / resistance, a mech only has one voltage so you lower your resistance to get more power. A 1 ohm build on a mech will only give you like 17 watts, fuck that, I've done more powerful farts. If you have some high quality batteries on the other hand and do a 0.1 ohm build, BOOMSHANKA, 170 watts!!!
I'm on my phone so can't keep recapping back to your original post, but will try and answer a couple of questions. No, you don't need to sub ohm to use a dripper. I personally prefer rebuildable tanks to drippers. If you are not sub ohming I believe you can check the resistance on an mvp (I think). I have a mod called 'the clone' from stealthvape. It wasn't cheap (as far as clones go) but is very easy to understand, set-up and use. It is a nemesis clone.It is my first and only mech mod so maybe people with more experience could help more. I think my Taifuns (rebuildable tanks) are the easiest to coil and setup. Only drawback with them is they are 23mm wide and the majority of mech mods are 22mm wide. I was very nervous about making coils, checking resistance etc, and don't personally know anyone with experience, so had to learn from asking here and using YouTube videos. The people here will always help, I expect I'd be a smoker without them!

Once I started coiling,wicking etc I wondered why I had left it so long. To make simple effective coils isn't very hard.

Oh, and to start with I would try a dripper or rebuildable tank (or both) that are good with single coils, leave dual coils for further down the line.
Keep asking, you'll get all the advice you need.
I would recommend a GP Paps as your mod. Clones are available but sometimes difficult to find due to legal issues so you may have to make a post asking for direction if you decide to go for my suggestion.
My reasoning is that it has a recessed button. This will be far better for your husband than a locking ring. It does not have a hybrid topcaps and hybrid topcaps are known to be incompatible with Kanger tanks. It isn't the cheapest out there but I think it will meet your needs the best.
For your RDA you want something dual or single coil compatible that has adjustable airflow. If you want to drip at higher ohms you don't want a dripper that has so many perforations it looks like a colander or you will lose flavour. Airflow needs to be matched to ohms so the lower your ohms the more airflow you require. The Magma would meet these requirements quite nicely.
Your batteries are ideal for the purpose and will have ample headroom at the ohms you intend to use.

For kanthal you want some 0.15mm, 0.25mm and 0.3mm. The Vape Mesh Co. is good for this.

I'm on my phone too so I hope I've covered most of the bases. I have tried to be more specific tan usual in my suggestions because I think your situation demands some quite specific kit. I can't help on rebuilable tanks because I haven't used one yet.
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You guys are amazing. I really appreciate the advice. Always feel a bit of a plonker asking in case they're daft questions but as my budget isn't huge and I'm new to all this I don't want to waste money on gear best saved for the more experienced. I've mentioned the suggestion of a Magma on a couple of Facebook groups and someone mentioned it's difficult for a beginner to build? Just chucking things around in my head. Been recommended a Big Dripper clone for the best of both worlds too. Tank suggestions have been varied. Just weighing it all up now, not going to rush into anything. Will watch a few coil build videos on YouTube of the various suggestions. Thanks for the Paps recommendation, not a name I've seen before so that's really handy. I'd never thought of recessed buttons. You're diamonds xx
For kanthal you want some 1.5mm, 2.5mm and 3mm. The Vape Mesh Co. is good for this.

Yeah, other than this I agree, but you must mean 0.15mm 0.25mm and 0.3mm, wire in the sizes you're talking about would be insane.

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You guys are amazing. I really appreciate the advice. Always feel a bit of a plonker asking in case they're daft questions but as my budget isn't huge and I'm new to all this I don't want to waste money on gear best saved for the more experienced. I've mentioned the suggestion of a Magma on a couple of Facebook groups and someone mentioned it's difficult for a beginner to build? Just chucking things around in my head. Been recommended a Big Dripper clone for the best of both worlds too. Tank suggestions have been varied. Just weighing it all up now, not going to rush into anything. Will watch a few coil build videos on YouTube of the various suggestions. Thanks for the Paps recommendation, not a name I've seen before so that's really handy. I'd never thought of recessed buttons. You're diamonds xx

Might want to look at "The Cloud" by Wotofo if you're thinking of the big dripper, I hear they leak a lot less and require less fiddling with.

Sent from my iPad using Planet of the Vapes
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