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Love my Limitless Plus but spit spit spit


Feb 4, 2014
Limitless plus great clouds, great flavour and big deck, but I do get lots of spit back.
I coil between .2 and .5 with 316 SS or a fused Clapton.
Generally vape between 35 and 45 watts
Any ideas guys n girls
I havent got the pluss but had a similar problem on my 22mm limitless, how close are your coils to the center post i found pulling my coils closer to the airflow helped
Try cranking up the watts a bit, I've found this often helps. Also raising or lowering the coils, to be around the same height as the airflow may help.
Thanks all
I have the coils level with the air holes and tried micro and spaced coils
I had a lot of spitting but moving the coils to as close to the edge of the deck helps, they aren't as directly under the drip tip this way
I love this tank too.... not tried a build on it. And it pains me to say as I hate stock coils. The one thats fitted with it, is pretty good.

Still gonna slap a beast of a build on it tho.
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