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Lower the ohms=lower the wattage?

Using x cube mini. Single batt. Crius v3. Ive got quite a good understanding. But it was just low ohm=low watts or burnt cotton couldnt get my head round it. Gonna try less cotton just sitting on top of juice wells.
Ok, what gauge wire are you using?

Just because of a lower resistance, it doesn't necessarily mean more power is needed, the OP could of made a 1 Wrap coil out of 34G for all we know lol.

I tend to go by how big my coils are than resistance for setting my wattage now really, especially with different wire types that can have massively different resistances but the same size and surface area.
Just rebuilt the coils for something different.
These come in at .15
4 ply Twisted ni80 .5x1 ribbon twisted with .37 kanthal round. 5 wraps 2mm id.
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