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Lurker coming out from the shadows


Apr 20, 2014

Ive been into vaping for some time now, I primarily like to sub-ohm these days and have a few devices inc mech's and regulated devices, as well as the usuall drippers, auto feed RDA's and Genesis RBA's. My wife uses the more traditional atomisers (protank 2, iclear30 etc) but I enjoy the tinkering aspect of vaping as much as vaping itself.

I dont really use forums much as ive never been so hot at the whole online community thing but have found myself with various questions which i wanted to pose and was unable to do so and therefore...here I am.

Im a locksmith by trade (hense the vapesmith hook) and live in Brighton my wife and 2 kids. I had been smoking for 21 or so years before taking up vaping and have never picked up a cigarette since.

I mix my own juice. I enjoy cloud chasing so smoke high vg mixes and dont miss the TH as for me its about that feeling of being FULL of vapor.

Feel free to say hello :)...although mind im not the most practised at online convo'

Ive been into vaping for some time now, I primarily like to sub-ohm these days and have a few devices inc mech's and regulated devices, as well as the usual drippers, auto feed RDA's and Genesis RBA's. My wife uses the more traditional atomisers (protank 2, iclear30 etc) but I enjoy the tinkering aspect of vaping as much as vaping itself.

I dont really use forums much as ive never been so hot at the whole online community thing but have found myself with various questions which i wanted to pose and was unable to do so and therefore...here I am.

Im a locksmith by trade (hence the vapesmith hook) and live in Brighton my wife and 2 kids. I had been smoking for 21 or so years before taking up vaping and have never picked up a cigarette since.

I mix my own juice. I enjoy cloud chasing so smoke high vg mixes and dont miss the TH as for me its about that feeling of being FULL of vapor.

Feel free to say hello :)...although mind im not the most practiced at online convo'

Damn it. yes i cant spell and yes i cant work out how to edit post. i have a feeling this will happen a lot....
Hi @Vapesmith and welcome to the planet. So you don`t do forums? Well your fucked now M8 :lol1: there is a great bunch of friendly people on here, wont be long and you will not get through the day without logging in and seeing what new stuff has been posted up :D Enjoy your stay :thumbup:
:2thumbsup: Hello Mate!!! Nice of you to emerge from the shadows!!!
Aloha man, just recently started making my own coils here, what you pushing the juice through? (RBA, coil setup, wick) cause im a nosey bugger :P
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