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Magnetic Stirrer

Only if ur going to use it. I've not used one as I find a good shake for a few minutes daily does the trick.
Only if mixing big batches to combine ingredients. Cheaper to use a coffee frother. Save the money spent on a magnetic stirrer for for more vape gear :D
What about 150ml?
I do up to 500ml, flavours, nic & PG/VG & give it a whisk. It's only to combine the ingredients before bottling up. Unless I'm doing small amounts, 20/30ml, then I'll just mix in the bottle, top on, & shake it.
I use mine all the time. I used it just today in fact. Built it myself though so it cost nothing. Doubt if I'd buy one, too expensive.
I use one of these for my 10ml mixes :)
an old pc fan with a rare earth magnet or 2 epoxied on the spinning hub makes a grand cheap magnetic stirer . use a variable psu like a cheap ebay tattoo gun psu ;) and its a 5 munite build with a bit of blutack to make some stand offs.

mine was built for building up yeast populations for home brewing but could be used on the small scale too.. much better build plans are found online, mine is just a working proof of concept that didnt need improving..

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