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Make my vape flavour concentrates question

There's flavour in TFA and Capella at 15% where FA have flavour at 3%. But if you put 15% FlavourArt in then I wish you luck in tasting anything for the next 6 months
Ohh ok so just less concentrated then for tfa and cap.

I take it Flavourart is very strong? Why do you say that?
I find with TPA and cap that there's more of a range of flavours, from the 'in your face' to the subtle.

FlavourArt flavours are in your face, no subtlety about them. Gonna be a random analogy here but take 10% of each, say you want a cup of coffee - TFA, cap, inawera is a cappuccino, and FlavourArt is like chewing on a roasted coffee bean it's that potent. An advantage of FlavourArt is you don't need a lot of the concentrate to make the flavour to what you want.

It's all subjective though mate, personally I don't touch FlavourArt but other people swear by it. Best thing to do is try some yourself, but it's generally advised to not mix FlavourArt at more than 5%
When you say 'deals for starting off' is that a complete starter kit you're after?
I wouldn't bother buying the starter kit from anywhere to be honest, you pay an extra fiver just for it being in a kit as opposed to buying each component.

Things you'll need:
Nicotine (don't need a lot if you're starting)
Pg (don't need a lot to start with depending on VG/pg ratio you're wanting)
VG (don't need a lot to start with depending on VG/pg ratio you're wanting)
A selection of flavourings
Syringes - 1ml 2ml 5ml 10ml 1 of each to start with
Gloves - I personally don't use gloves anymore, but I strongly advise to use gloves for new/inexperienced/clumsy mixers. Nicotine is a poison that's absorbed through the skin, 72mg nic will kill a person if not washed off skin in about the same time as it takes a spider bite to kill a grown man, if not quicker.

Also, a locked cupboard, or a cupboard well out of reach of children (if you have kids) for storage
After a few months you will find which concentrates you like more and how strong you like them.

My favourites are Capella TFA/PA, Pink Spot, T Juice and Mom & Pop.
When you start mixing write everything down ie what % you use of flavours etc that way when you find a mix you like you have your notes to look back on.
also i always use vapable
Thanks folks for all the advise. I am reading more about flavourings and percentages.

I am guessing it's just a personal preference in terms of how much of each flavouring to use.

Anyone know of any resources to read about flavours and what percentages to use of each.
Thanks folks for all the advise. I am reading more about flavourings and percentages.

I am guessing it's just a personal preference in terms of how much of each flavouring to use.

Anyone know of any resources to read about flavours and what percentages to use of each.

Google e liquid recipes.com and the general usual % are on there. It's all subjective though
I would recommend using a PC recipe program like Breaktru Softwares free E Juice Me Up (search google) its a very small program and keep records of all your recipes if starting out.
t also has some recipes built in but most importantly you can add all the VG/PG ratio and nicotine strength / qty etc and get an instant recipe

Ive found that best way
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