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How To Make the best cotton wick/coil set up for your dripper!

Midnight cut a length about 6" 150mm or longer and twist it together .then leave long tails when making the coil for easy threading
I did mine more or less the same as the video at the beginning of this thread.

I think I've used .25 kanthal wrapped tightly round a precision screwdriver (about 2.5mm diameter), I think I've done 5 or 6 wraps.

Then I removed it from the screwdriver and pinched the coil together in an old pair of tweezers and flamed it to make it more rigid.

Then thread the screwdriver back through the coil and attached it to the atty (keeping the screwdriver in helps to keep the coil nice and straight and in place).

Then I pulse the coil a few times to make sure it's all lighting up nice and bonny.

Finally I get a bit of cotton wool and make a small "sausage" type shape and roll a fine point on the end. I thread that end into the coil and pull carefully till it won't come any further then I snip that end off.

Position the rest of the "sausage" round the deck of your atty (behind the coil), saturate with juice and enjoy.

I should have taken pictures as I went along. I'll do that next time. :)
It seems to be working now. I don't have anything to test resistance on though :/

But, I can vape on it.
I had to twiddle the shell about because I couldn't vape on it, it felt blocked. Vaping easily now. There is no air hole on this thing though. Like in the video, there is an air hole by the posts (he complains about it), the baby octopus doesn't have an air hole in the base. There is one in the side of the housing though. I've taken pics as I have been going along but they have not come through to my email yet.
Oh yeah, I forgot you had a baby octopus. If you look at the side of the deck of your atty (without the housing on), you'll see an air hole on the side of it. You just need to make sure that the air hole on the housing is lined up with the air hole on the deck of your atty.
I thought I'd go for it and rewick/coil my evods too while I had my stuff out. Well, one vapes and the other one popped and died :/

Will have another go tomorrow (later today). Cripes, it's 5am and I haven't even seen my bed yet.
My First attempt on IGO-L :D first cotton wick.jpg Coil wound on a 3mm machine screw then attached to the head with screw still in place.

Used one end off a cotton bud rolled into a little worm and feed into coil.

Positive end wrapped around the post and feed under coil, negative end around the outside :D

Nice clean taste and plumes of vaper
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