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Manc Meet 12th Mar 16

Am I wrong to think I should feel sorry for @3dj or does he deserve it for drinking too much, again? I just dunno
Thanks, glad to know 3dj made it home. X
I'm also glad I made it home. I'm gonna have to stop drinking JD. It's lethal. The thing is, I don't like or drink beer. So my only other option is wine or spirits. That is why I get pissed pretty quick.
Thanks to @Jimmydids for organising the meet and raffle again.. Very successful meet again..
Was great to see @pixelhazard kowolski again, your vaping journey has been amazing since the December meet..:sinister:
The surprise guest appearance form that man @HAZZA1962 , Thanks for the gardening and hope its a regular thing for you now...
@Tubbyengineer the Tech genius usual words of wisdom "put more coke in that drink @3dj"
@craigwalsh and @daz_app for supporting a certain person at the bar..
First timers @bozzer89 and his boss @dingle13 for the juice samples and delivery..
and of coarse that leg end @3dj for flooding the bogs, uprooting flowers , and depleting all stocks of Jack Daniels in a 5 mile radius.. Also advising the poor sod driving the taxi on what decking is...

Thanks Jimmy, star man, if anybody wants to enjoy the carnage at the next one please send @Jimmydids your name and he will add you to the list for the next one which is april 23. A nurse and anybody working in the field of Alcohol abuse will be warmly welcomed.
Glad you all had a good time...but Saturdays are fast becoming difficult for me to get any free time :(
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