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Manchester Vapers!

Be ok for us but the out of towners might struggle to get here from piccadilly..or poland

It must be hard for ya mate to live in a box but it's nice sea side where I come from never mind the those scouts living @ end of the world's ass ^^

Saying so I would come to have a vape with you grumpy lads :) maybe not now before Xmas but I'm up coming after new year :)
Oh my what have I done? Just bought a TFV4. I am now an official Sub Ohm Wanker....
Oh my what have I done? Just bought a TFV4. I am now an official Sub Ohm Wanker....

That was bought on a whim didn't thought I'm gonna get so into vaping and wanting to build coils wicking and all but thanks anyway for making me realise that I've gone wrong way; )
Yeah this weekend has been an expensive one, fucking vaping.
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1448231558.401322.jpg
Only spent that much though because I've been meaning to sell my ps4 for a while, it's collecting dust so it's all good:)
I must admit, I've gone and bought a TFV4, a D2, a Silo Beast, a 3ml Steamcrave and about 100mls of juice tonight. Damn you Vape Meets!!!
It just so happened that it fell on payday weekend for me as well, typical!
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