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Maxus freemax 200W issues


Sep 28, 2021
Hello everyone

as you can see im having quite alot of problems with vaping these days ^^ ive bought a freemax maxus 200w 3month ago because my geekvape stoped working, i took it because i knew alot of people were saying it had the best tanks in the market, i bought a 60ml liquid for it, a liquid that was working perfectly with my old device ( salt pod blueberry gasp 3mg ) when i arrived to half of the liquid amount the freemax coils were starting to feel burnt ! Not completly burnt but verry few taste was going out, also everymorning it didnt work well no smoke was coming out, i had the liquid coming to my tongue, i tried to prime my coils by letting the top airflow open for a while and blow at the airflow but it was still feeling bad, i don’t understand why im having these issues as it is a known brand and many people claims its the best on the market ? Since then i moved to pod devices with salt nic as i didnt want to spend more money on a new tank but i dont want my money to be wasted and have a new device just standing in my room PLEASE HELP
The M Pro 2 Tank? I found the coils to be rubbish, didn't last a couple of days. What wattage are you vaping at? Try lowering it. You'll just end with juice everywhere blowing through the drip tip or airflow. Prime the coil by soaking and leaving, do it two or three times, start vaping at a low wattage, say 20 or 25 watts and increase from there. Also what ratio is your liquid, 70vg/30pg or 60/40 etc.
Im having at 60 70w on my old geek vape i used to use 55 but in this freemax i need to get higher to have the same feeling… so if i understood its just the coils being rubbish ?
getting liquid on your tongue is the tank flooding.
close the air hole and flick the mod with a fast wrist movement like a fishing rod. that will get the excess juice out of the chimney.
Im having at 60 70w on my old geek vape i used to use 55 but in this freemax i need to get higher to have the same feeling… so if i understood its just the coils being rubbish ?

Didn't last long, perhaps me saying rubbish is a bit strong. I use mesh rta's, so I tailor my wicking and requirements accordingly.
Didn't last long, perhaps me saying rubbish is a bit strong. I use mesh rta's, so I tailor my wicking and requirements accordingly.

ok to avoid this as i dont make my own coils which coils should i use ? Triple mesh ? Double ? Single ?
getting liquid on your tongue is the tank flooding.
close the air hole and flick the mod with a fast wrist movement like a fishing rod. that will get the excess juice out of the chimney.

ok ill try next time ! Thanks for the advice bro
ok to avoid this as i dont make my own coils which coils should i use ? Triple mesh ? Double ? Single ?

I cant advise on that, I recall the single mesh had the least flavour, coil longevity was poor across all three, I think I had one coil of each. I'm not good re sub ohm tanks and coils, others would be better advising you.

Maybe have a look or ask below




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