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Mech mod battery polarity


Mar 2, 2014
Hi guys.

I know it will work either way around as it will make a circuit in either direction, but is there a right and wrong way to insert a battery into a mech mod?

I heard try to keep posetive near the vents in the tube, I only ask as I have just received a kato square drom the classies on here and I find the switch makes easier when I insert negative first (posetive contacting the switch)

Is there a right or wrong with either way?
It's your face.

I used to always load the battery with + pointing to the atty, then heard cells only vent through their positive so ever since if the mod auto - fires with + at the switch, the mod gets retired.
kato square box clone button + battery fix

I got one of these to as my first Mech Mod along with a kayfun lite plus v2 and very nice it is too, and like you I was not sure witch way the battery should be as I could only get it to work with the + pointing up to the button, and all the reviews I had watched for it had done the same but none of them could get their voltage drop test thing to work on it.
Anyway for the Fix you will need to find a very small thin washer, small enough to fit on top of the spring in the button, do it all back up tight and hay presto it will give that little bit extra length on the button thro so you can put the battery the right way + facing down to the vent holes - facing up to the button.
I even put a very small blob of thread lock on the brass pin, you Never want it to fall out and sit on top of the battery.
Spooky, I acquired a Kato box clone recently, and was gonna start a thread in an appropriate section about battery polarity.

I've unwrapped it, taken it apart, then re-assembled it so the vent holes are below the battery tube... (Cheers Chinese dudes...)

It looks great, clone or not, loving it, but I'm still Sh*t Scared of it :) Haven't had a puff on it yet, as mech suitable batteries only arrived today (sony VCT4s).

Almost every video I've watched in researching this mod has recommended putting the battery in top up, and while I'm well aware this will complete the circuit, I have been led to believe the + pin should really be in contact with the atomiser. The vent holes are are at the bottom too, but this is the case with most mods...

Any Kato clone/Mech mod users out there able to kindly offer a consensus of opinion?

It is my face, it's not fire proof and I've only got the one. :)
Think about the battery wrapper and what it's protecting you from in either battery orientation:

With the positive pole contacting the positive pin on the atty a worn battery wrapper will result in the mod auto-firing.

With the positive pole of the battery contacting the switch a worn battery wrapper will result in a hard short and the battery will almost certainly vent.
I prefer to have the positive end facing towards the vent holes which is usually towards the switch
Think of it this way, the centre pin on every atomizer is the + positive and the outside with the 510 thread is the - negative. You will find some atomizers work fine either way round like the kayfun, but some don't, like ones with multiple - negative posts.
So + positive end on any battery should go towards the + positive centre pin on any mod to the + positive centre pin on any atomizer.
Please someone with clout say this is right? or am I just a plonker?
Shouldn't make any difference at the end of the day it's + / - circuit you could have 4 negative posts they're still negative.

There is no gates or protection so should work regardless
A coil has no + or - it will work regardless as long as there is a current passing through it.
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