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Mech mod battery polarity

I respect your opinion as an engineer and there are definitely pros/cons to both methods.

Before I adopted the Samsung 25R as my battery of choice for vaping I conducted an experiment in a controlled environment involving hard-shorting a cell in a mech. The mod vented from the switch end, where the vents were located.

I believe most mechs are designed with the assumption that the positive pole of the battery will be inserted towards the atomiser.

It's up to the individual to decide if they want to put their batteries in backwards because they think it might be safer. I would personally not recommend others do this though.

Although I own a couple of mechs I don't use them for every day use, Regulated mods are much safer because they have built in protection, personally I'd prefer everyone to use regulated mods but each to their own...
Although I own a couple of mechs I don't use them for every day use, Regulated mods are much safer because they have built in protection, personally I'd prefer everyone to use regulated mods but each to their own...
These days I use regulated mods a lot more than mechs too, mainly because they're so much less effort to use. Changing batteries 3 or 4 times a day is a pain, frankly and an efficient regulated mod will last me all day on one pair of batteries.

I think that's where vaping is heading now, with the latest Yihi chips we've got cheap and reliable regulated mods which work well at all common build resistances. Other than aesthetics, the list of reasons to use a mech grows ever smaller by the week.

Thanks for taking the time to write the detailed reply above btw.
I decided to avoid the risks of inserting a cell in a metal tube by building my own box mods.These are built using lipo cells as a lipo cell generally will allow much higher current drawn,and the mosfet has always blown if I inadvertently add a short-circuit to the 510.I have 2 x 26650 mech mods,neither instills me with much confidence to use as 1 has already scared the beejezus out of me due to no lock on its switch & it firing for approx 20 mins,the other autofires if I insert the cell with the +ve towards the vents. I have a selection of 18650 mods,those that won't allow the cell inserted with the +ve pointing away from my face never see use as that is where their vent holes are(on their arses,pointing away from me)

I never leave cells unattended whilst charging
I use the correct chargers for each type of cell

I believe that treating cells with the utmost respect will reduce(note I didn't say stop/protect etc me from having a cell vent)the chances of me ever having to deal with a venting cell,and were a cell to vent in my tube mod I won't be as likely to encounter hot nasty gases spewing out straight into my face.

Up or down for the battery direction lads?



I wouldn't use an internet assembled philosophy as a basis to form any decision with obvious health and safety risks, I would instead aim to make an informed judgement myself, based on the available facts.

Collectively you have all supplied some facts. Cheers.
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