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Mech Mods?


Feb 29, 2016
Apart from the difference in metal's used for the actual mod, is there any major difference between single battery mods?

Been looking at the Limitless and SMPL mods, any other recommendations?

Seen a few people like the Rig V2, looking at spending around £100 give or take a few quid.

Thanks all :2thumbsup:
Apart from the difference in metal's used for the actual mod, is there any major difference between single battery mods?

Been looking at the Limitless and SMPL mods, any other recommendations?

Seen a few people like the Rig V2, looking at spending around £100 give or take a few quid.

Thanks all :2thumbsup:
A lot of it with good mechs is the switch quality mate :)
Do you mean the difference in single and dual battery mech mods or the difference between regulated and mech mods?

Edit: I'm a dick. As per @puffinclouds I believe the switch is everything, but a bit of brass always looks nice. And brasso smells sooooo nice.
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Love the Praxis.
Sadly just have a clone at the moment.
Gutted I missed their easter sale...........
Apart from the difference in metal's used for the actual mod, is there any major difference between single battery mods?

Been looking at the Limitless and SMPL mods, any other recommendations?

Seen a few people like the Rig V2, looking at spending around £100 give or take a few quid.

Thanks all :2thumbsup:

Couldn't recommend the Rig enough, got two of them. Also the Continuous Current Manhattan V2 is nice!
Do you mean the difference in single and dual battery mech mods or the difference between regulated and mech mods?

Edit: I'm a dick. As per @puffinclouds I believe the switch is everything, but a bit of brass always looks nice. And brasso smells sooooo nice.
Haha no mate just the difference in material used for the mod itself, copper, brass etc
Solid copper seems to me to hit that wee bit harder. My SOI Short Switch ( also recommended if you can find one!) gives the most bang for the ohm so to speak.
But a lump of Brass does look good for that couple of minutes it is shiny and shipshape.
However, the Aluminium alloy tube I has ( a Dotmod clone) sits quite nicely in my hand.

I had a V1 rig and it was fine but the graphic on the side was a bit too garish for my tastes.

Go for what you like the look of, but do check the switch as that makes a lot of difference.
In my experience simpler the better.
I second Rig; all day, everyday.
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