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Mechanical mods and should I get one.

Yeah the one thing that is still worrying me is using the right batteries lol, but do you think I could get an equally good vape using like a 1.2 - 1.5 ohm cotton build on a VV mod as I could using a sub ohm cotton build on a mech? Also I take it a kick is pointless for sub ohm coils?

I think it is down to personal taste in all honesty.

I like flavour for the most part. Clouds are good fun occasionally but flavour is king. While I use rebuildables and coil at the levels that I previously stated on mechs. I also have VV and VW devices where I use much higher Ohm builds and vape happily.

It is very much a matter of device and resistance when it comes to making your own coils. My advice would be to make a build or two on the equipment you have and see how it performs. If you love it, you have saved a few quid (which you will undoubtedly spend on something shiny in the near future). If not then buy something else that you like, but don't forget to budget for good batteries. It is always better to have high drain batteries and not need them, than not have them and say goodbye to your teeth. :D
I used to think that RDA's were pointless,always preferring my Russian/Aga-S or RSST.I then got a mech+30A Sony batteries and a shitty Chinese clone RDA that had tiny air holes & an air flow control ring.First job,close off the original air holes(with air control ring)and drill 2x2.5mm holes beside the dual coils(old holes were just below the bottom of the drip tip)Built dual coils from 0.3mm kanthal(4 wraps round 2 x 4mm voodoo wool wicks)juiced up,the result was amazing.I could blank out the TV/fill the kitchen etc with clouds of vapour.To get the best from the flavour,I simply added a few extra percent to mixes.I liked RDA's so much,my RSST/91%/Aga haven't been touched in ages as my ADV device is an RDA.I bought a W3,PITA device,great clouds,bastard to build on & dribbles the juice everywhere.My present RDA is running just 0.8 ohms from 4 wraps of 0.35mm kanthal on the 4mm voodoo.Primed with as much juice as I can get the well+voodoo to hold gives me almost an hour of heavy vaping.The best bit is,I've been able to drop my nicotine level from 18mg(don't try using your tank juice in an RDA,it's like going up 20mg's lol)to 10mg & am considering less still as I can still get a headache from chain-vaping.
Just don't get a sigeli 19 they are crap in my opinion.

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