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Menthol crystals


May 14, 2016
Going to make my own menthol concentrate, read a few posts got 5grams of crystals going to crush them up, stick them in a 10,ml bottle fill up with pg, and leave it to dissolve, possibly a hot bath. The question is am I wasting my time. Crystals cost £3.50 same price as 30ml of menthol from darkstar, possibly cheaper elsewhere, is it worth the hassle
Yes. Use sparingly to begin with, it's powerful stuff. We are talking 1 or 2 drops per 10ml of juice.
Boots the chemist.
Menthol crystals are only about £1.60 for 5 grams.
I put them in a 30ml bottle and fill with PG.
This means it is strong, but not 10ml super-strong.
Also stays dissolved better I find.
Once tried dissolving in VG years ago - that doesn't work well by the way!

Soak the bottle in hot water and shake until fully dissolved.
I'm going to give it a go got the crystals so nothing to lose, I normally use about 4% menthol in my mixes 1.2grams in a 30 gram. Bottle. Will that be about 6 drops
I usually fill about a quarter 10ml bottle with crystals then fill with pg. few seconds in the micro will help them dissolve 6 secs should be enough.
like the others said drops not % its potent stuff.
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