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menthol crystals

Phantom Diablo

Sep 16, 2013
just picked up a tub of 5g menthol crystals from my local chemist ( £1.80 )

however upon opening the tub i was extcting i guess to fnd little even shaped and sized crystals or nicely uniform and instead its a random hotchpotch of them.

was going to add some to some fruits of the forst juice i have but now because they arent even and i dont have micro scales to weigh them out no idea really whats ideal quantity for 10ml of liquid.

2 or 3 and then let it steep somehwere warm for the crystals to dissolve?
best thing to do is to get some pg and dissolve in the pg...heres what i did.....

get a small bottle,20-30 ml in size....add 10ml of pg and then crush all the crystals just so they will fit in the neck of the bottle....then place in a bowl of warm water which will help them dissolve...this way you have a nice even balanced mix of quite a potent menthol which you can then freely add to your mixes, and you also know what to do next time to get it right every time :)
ahhh dont have any PG.. in fact dont have any DIY mixing gear yet.. waiting for payment from some work sold then i go get myself a DIY kit of nico, PG and VG mix.
for now i guess i could get away with popping one crystal in and letting it dissolve and work from there. easier to add than to take away.
Personally I bash them up with a rolling pin in a plastic baggie then dunk them in 20ml PG per 5g of crystals - then just heat a little to aid dissolution
the crystals are around 1mm or less thick and between 3-5mm long. ive popped one in the juice ( which is a very strong fruit mix and will see how i go.)

really need to find some PG and VG and nic.
so the question is . is it easier/betetr to get PG premixed with NIC ( and if so how does this affect nic content when you do say a 50/50 PG/VG mix ( i assume it would halve it.
then i need flavourings and the optional sweetner and purified water.

My preferred mis would be 60/40 or 50/50 to give an even balance of throat hit and flavour.
and most likley look at making 10ML batches until i get ne right i like and then increase the quantities to make 50 ml batches.
until you know what you like youd be better getting them all seperate but i use ltecigs premixed 50/50 vpg @ 18mg...once ive added the flavour its about 16mg and fine for the mrs :)
ok im confused. looking at calculator for mixing and mixing guides it seems to always state PG OR VG.. not both. so how in heck do you get a 60/40 mix for instance if only one is listed ...confused.com
ok had a quick look at one but still trying to make sense of one thing.
take this one which is sorta thing i like

im confused as to how this is a 50/50 mix
as VG is listed as 50% but PG is only 8% yet nic is listed as also PG ( that confuses me does nic have to be in PG or can it be pure? ) but lists as 25%. giving total PG 33% of which part of it is already mixed with nic.
doesnt add up in my mind!
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